Rajasthan Travel Guide

Banswara District Important Contact Details

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पदनाम अधिकारी का नाम मोबाईल नं. स्थाई नं. ई-मेल
जिला कलेक्टर श्री भगवती प्रसाद कलाल 9530314999 240002 242968 dm-ban-rj@nic.in
अतिरिक्त जिला कलक्टर श्री हिम्मत सिंह बारहठ 9414521958 246200 admbsw786@gmail.com
मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी, जिला परिषद श्री रामनाथ चाहिल —— 240812 248360 pd-ban-rj@nic.in
अतिरिक्त मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी, जिला परिषद श्री माेहनलाल वर्मा 9414190732 240943 244019 aceobanswara@gmail.com
पुलिस अधीक्षक श्री कालूराम रावत ——- 240003, 243743 sp-ban-rj@nic.in
उपखण्ड अधिकारी, बांसवाड़ा डा. भंवरलाल 9530314888 02962-240795 sdmbsw@gmail.com
उपखण्ड अधिकारी, कुशलगढ़ श्री आर.डी. मीणा 7014606313 02965-275241 sdmkushalgarh@gmail.com
उपखण्ड अधिकारी, घाटोल श्री राजीव द्विवेदी 9414724670 02961-235871 sdmghatol@gmail.com
उपखण्ड अधिकारी, बागीदौरा श्री शंकरलाल साल्वी 9414738002 02968-280705 sdmbagidora@yahoo.in
उपखण्ड अधिकारी, गढ़ी श्रीमती रागिनी डामोर 9929411045 02963-220150 sdmgarhi@gmail.com
उपखण्‍ड अधिकारी आन्‍नदपुरी श्री शंकरलाल साल्वी 9414738002 sdmanandpuri@gmail.com
उपखण्ड अधिकारी सज्‍जनगढ श्री आर.डी. मीणा(अ.प्र.) 7014606313 sdmsajjangarh@gmail.com
उपखण्ड अधिकारी छोटी सरवन डा. भंवरलाल (अ.प्र.) 9530314888 sdmsarwan@gmail.com
सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और संचार विभाग ए सी पी श्री पवन नानकानी 9414432103 02962 246151 dlo.doit.banswara@rajasthan.gov.in
जिला रसद अधिकारी श्री हजारी आलोरिया(अ.प्र.) 9602724166 242270 dsofood-ban-rj@nic.in
डी.आई.ओ. श्री हेमन्त मेहता 9462201316 244155 rajban@nic.in
कोषाधिकारी श्री संदीप सांदू 9571385977 02962-246180 to-ban-rj@nic.in
सहायक निदेशक जन सम्पर्क श्री कमलेश शर्मा ———- 248278 248611 news.bsw@gmail.com
विकास अधिकारी, गढी श्री आर. के. जाट 9414349148 02963-221044 poegs_garhi@yahoo.com
विकास अधिकारी, घाटोल श्री बाबुलाल यादव 8003930050 02961-235132 poghatol@gmail.com
विकास अधिकारी कुशलगढ कार्यवाहक श्री नन्दलाल डोडीयार 9413018257 02965-275265 egskgh@ymail.com
विकास अधिकारी सज्‍जनगढ श्री विश्वकर्मा 7665434752 02965-273249 nregasajjangarh@yahoo.com
विकास अधिकारी बागीदौरा श्री पप्पूलाल मीणा(अ.प्र.) 9928167978 02968-280028 nrega.psbagidora@yahoo.com
विकास अधिकारी आन्‍नदपुरी श्री रमेश मीणा (अ.प्र.) 9983174950 02968-237232 poegs.anand@gmail.com
विकास अधिकारी छोटी सरवन श्री दिलीप सिंह यादव (अ.प्र.) 9414491833 02962-292324 bdo.ban.cho@gmail.com
विकास अधिकारी बांसवाडा श्री दिलीप सिंह यादव 9414491833 02962-240386 poegsbsw2015@gmail.com
विकास अधिकारी तलवाडा श्री खातुराम निनामा 7568487333 02962-262034 poegs_tal@rediffmail.com
विकास अधिकारी गांगडतलाई श्री पप्‍पुलाल मीणा 9928167978
विकास अधिकारी अरथूना श्री रमेश मीणा 9828706431
तहसीलदार बांसवाडा श्री साेहनलाल शर्मा 9414737107 02962-242649 tdrbsw@gmail.com
तहसीलदार छोटी सरवन श्री संजय चरपोटा 9414684050 9468737518 tdrsarwan@gmail.com
तहसीलदार बागीदौरा श्री राकेश न्योल 9414500971 02968-280026 tdrbagidora@gmail.com
तहसीलदार घाटोल श्री माजिद मो. 9829711182 02961-235131 tdrghatol@gmail.com
तहसीलदार गढी श्री करणसिंह चौहान 9828760395 02963-220043 tdrgarhi@gmail.com
तहसीलदार कुशलगढ श्री परमानन्द मीणा 7357304038 02965- 275251 tdrkushal@gmail.com
तहसीलदार सज्‍जनगढ श्री परमानन्द मीणा (अ.प्र.) 9414645854 293132 tdrsajjan@gmail.com
तहसीलदार आन्‍नदपुरी श्री अशोक 9610482979 223161 tdranand@gmail.com
तहसीलदार गनोडा श्री संग्रामसिंह 9460377755 02963-276105 tdrganoda@gmail.com
तहसीलदार गांगडतलाई श्री बिश्न लाल वर्मा 9982334037 281330 tdrgangad@gmail.com
तहसीलदार आबापुरा श्री कैलाश गौतम 9929914100 267608 tdrabapura@gmail.com

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One Response to “Banswara District Important Contact Details”

Kailash Chandra Bohra Says

From K.C.Bohra,
Retired SE PWD, and Consultant to NHAI Maintenance Project in Maharashtra.

The District Collector,

Sub: -Observations with regards to road safety, leading to reduction o
in fatal accidents.

I retired as SE P.W.D. in the year 2004, since then worked as Team Leader in various road project of NHAI. I want to put my observations, if remedial measures are initiated that will certainly reduce the chances of accidents.My son is at Banswara thereby use to come down there frequently.
1. During my last stay at Banswara in the month of May, Bus passenger sitting on a bus got electrocuted, and number of casualties were quite high, warrants an action to avoid recurrences of such accidents.
In accordance with Indian Road Congress provision, all the overhead hanging should should have a clearance of 5.5 meter above the road level, for LT line. For 11KV and above an additional 30cm height.For additional high power line this height should be increased by 30cm per 11kv additional power.
I am sure the last accident near Sajjangarh was on account of non complying this provision.
I request to your good self to direct the Electricity and PWD authorities to inspect all the locations where electric power lines are crossing the road, be it village road or any other and identify the locations where it is not complying with the provision. Ensure that corrective measures have been taken for non recurrence of such accidents.
2. Banswara Udaipur road is maintained under BOT and riding quality is satisfactory. Light Motor Vehicle can speed up up-to 130Km/ Hr. Width of road at cross drainage portion is quite less, and speeding vehicle faces problem at the time of overtaking or a vehicle suddenly approaches near the Cross Drainage portion. At number of locations, protective parapet are absent, thus every chances are there to overturn the vehicle at such location. Where protective Parapet wall is there the vehicle will certainly hit it.
Cationary board are to be installed and widening of road width is taken up on an urgent basis. I will further request that accidents took place at these location be asked from Police Department and PWD, to asses gravity of the problem.
3. Retro reflective Road signage at acute curve are required to be ascertain.

Submitted for your king information, and requested for action from your end for reduction in chances of accidents.

Yours truely,